Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.

Text fields

See deprecated code
expiry date: 30/04/2021

Text fields allow users to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols.

last modified: 08/06/2022 11:20:05


There are instances, sometimes in the same form, where you need users to enter both short and long form content. Allow the size of the text input box to reflect the length of the content you expect the user to enter.

  1. Text field
    When the expected user input is a single line of text, as opposed to a paragraph.
  2. Text area
    When the expected user input is more than one sentence.
Are you building a form with several components?

Forms can be simple or complex, so we have prepared clear recommendations for you to use. These guidelines will help you build your forms and maintain consistency between all the forms of our digital platforms.
Discover our recommandations to build a form.


  1. Default state
    State visible before click. Field and label are displayed. No user input yet.
  2. Hover/Focused state
    State visible when the cursor hovers the field and triggered by keyboard navigation or click.

  1. Active state
    State visible when the field is focused and unfilled.
  2. Active + Filled state
    State visible when the field is focused and filled.

  3. Filled state
    State visible when the field is filled and unfocused.

  1. Disabled state
    State visible if no interactions are allowed for this field.
  2. Read Only / Disabled pre-filled state
    State visible when the input is pre-filled and can't be change. Container is visible with a disabled label and the user input is displayed like in the filled state.

  3. Prefilled state
    State visible when the field is prefilled.

  1. Loading state
    Between an active state and a valid/error state. Field and user input are visible, animated dots and a waiting message are displayed to inform the user why he is waiting. This state should be used when the field needs to live check the content but the check takes more time than an immediate response.
  1. Valid state
    When given input is correct or validated. Field and user input are visible, a green mark is displayed. An optional confirmation text can be displayed underneath the input (helper text).
  2. Error message
    When given input is not correct. Field and user input are visible, a red mark and an error message are displayed to give context to the user. The helper text is mandatory. This error message should contain informations about the nature of the error, helping the user to fill the correct content.


  1. Container
    Container improves legibility and discoverability of the text field in the interface environment by creating contrast in the surrounding content
  2. Label
    Label text is used to inform user to what information is requested.
  3. Placeholder
    Text dislayed after click in order to help the user fill in the right content.
  4. User input
    Input text lives inside the container takes over the place of the placeholder as soon as the users type in some text.
  5. Action icon (optional)
    Icon displayed to interact with the content of the field (e.g. delete, search, access dropdown or filters, etc.). Action icons are always in purple and clickable.
  6. Indicator icon (optional)
    Activation icons inform the user on the status of the input. Icons can be used to message alerts as well. Pair them with error messages to provide redundant alerts, which are useful when you need to design for colorblind users.
  7. Helper text (optional)
    Helper text conveys additional guidance about the input field, such as how it will be used. It should only take up a single line, being persistently visible or visible only on focus.

Label text

Label text content

Label text is used to inform user to what information is requested. Every text field should have a label. Label text should always be visible.

Explicit label

The label alone has to be sufficiently explicit for the users to understand the purpose. Make sure to write a clear and concise label about the text field the users are about to complete.




Label text interaction

When inactive the label should stay inside the input to spare as much as possible some visual space.

As soon as it becomes active, the label should slide up on top of the field. The label is aligned to the left of the field to keep the user informed, also to leave some room for the placeholder and for the content of the input.


A password field answers to all the rules mentionned before and requires two specificities:

  • Every single character provided by the user should be hidden
  • The password itself can be unmasked by clicking on the "eye" action icon

Input field with a button

Depending of your needs, you can combine a input field with a button. In this case, you have to add a standard button next to the field, at the right with 2px of spacing. This composition is based on the gridding of the page.

Only the primary and order types of button can be used

Preformatted text fields

When having a long chain of digits (e.g. national security number, card number, phone number). Make use of a text field with preformatted content. It improve readability of the field.



last modified: 08/06/2022 11:20:05

Sizes and colors

last modified: 20/03/2024 15:00:14

All form fields have a 100% width so they need to be included in a gridding to have the wished size.

Each <input> must be wrapped within <div class="rs-form-item"> container. This container must contain the <input> and the <label> linked to the input thanks to for attribute refering to the id of the <input> . We put ac- prefix (abbreviation for "accessibility") to know that this id has been added for accessibility matter.

By default, all form fields are mandatory, except those mentionned with (optional) in the label.

All <input> types are covered here except search, radio and checkbox which are all special cases.


An <input> should have an id that should always be linked to its <input> with for attribute containing the id of the <input> .

Never put important information (like requested format) helping the user to fill in the <input> in the placeholder . This kind of information can be put in parentheses within the label or as helper text under the <input> to always be available when filling a form.


All text fields can be created with the global include named formField.cshtml . To use it simply make a render page of this element like this: @RenderPage("~/includes/components/form/formField.cshtml")

Here is the list of all the parameters for this include and the default settings in case of a textfield. Some default parameters will changes if you set a text area, a text field with button, etc.

Name Purpose Default value
iteration To pass an iteration in case of a loop (integral) 0
type Declaring type of your input (text / tel / number / etc.)(string) text
id Declaring the id of your input (string) ac-input0
name Declare the name of your input (string) input0
placeholder Declare the placeholder of your input (string) This is a placeholder
value Declare the value of your input (string)
label Label of the input (string) default label
isError Show the "error" state (boolean) false
errorText Error message (string) This is an error message
successText Passing a string will set the field on valid state and show your message at the same time(string)
helperText Helper message (string)
isLoading Show loading state (boolean) false
isDisabled Show disabled state (boolean) false
isReadonly Show readonly state (boolean) false
helperList Pass a list of helper (string[])
button Passing a string will add a button next to your input. (string) You can also have order button by passing "order_" at the start of your string. Or a negative primary with "btnNeg_".
isUpload Make a upload field (boolean) false
isPrefix Make a prefix (boolean) false
isPostfix Make a postfix (boolean) false
isOptionnal Make switch between optional and required (boolean) false
helperId Set an id for you helpers for complex cases (string) id + "-helper" + iteration
inputXtraParameters Extra parameters on the input ""

Default optional text field

Negative version

rs-form-neg class added on <form> or a <div> container (if <form> is not needed in particular cases like with Angular) allows to switch all form fields to negative version.



All @rsTextarea object can receive all following parameters:

Name Type Description Default value
sLabel string Label text "What are your suggestions?"
sPlaceholder string Placeholder text "Enter your text here"
sContent string Content text ""
sID string ID "ac-defaultTextarea"
sName string Name "defaultTextarea" (=sID without "ac-")
bIsOptional boolean Is optional false
sXtraClass string Extra class to <textarea> container ""
sXtraParameters string Extra parameters to <textarea> container "rows=5"
bIError boolean Is in error status false
sErrorMsg string Error message "This is an error message"
bIsSuccess boolean Is in success status false
sSuccessMsg string Success message "This is an success message"
bHasHelper boolean Has a helper text false
sHelperMsg string Helper text "Helper text"
bIsDisabled boolean Is disabled false
bIsReadOnly boolean Is readonly false

Negative version

rs-form-neg class added on <form> or a <div> container (if <form> is not needed in particular cases like with Angular) allows to switch all form fields to negative version.

Prefilled text field

When an Input field is prefilled, rs-filled class should be added to <input> . This avoids label moving above the input content after page load.

Error text field

To use Zurb Foundation form check javascript, data-abide="ajax" attribute should be added to <form> so error class will be added/removed dynamically when needed, for example if <input> is required.


The error message <span> should have an id (prefixed with "ac-" as accessibility abbreviation to know this is added for accessibility matter) which should be referenced in the <input aria-describedby="error_id"> for screen readers when the error is displayed. This is automatically added by the javascript.

This is an error message

Negative version

This is an error message

Valid text field

To create a success field, add rs-form-success to <div class="rs-form-item"> and put your success message in a <span class="rs-form-helper"> with rs-form-success class in addition.


The success message <span> should have an id (prefixed with "ac-" as accessibility abbreviation to know this is added for accessibility matter) which should be referenced in the <input aria-describedby="success_id"> for screen readers when the success message is displayed.

This is a success message

Negative version

This is a success message

Text field with helper text


The helper text <span> should have an id (prefixed with "ac-" as accessibility abbreviation to know this is added for accessibility matter) which should be referenced in the <input aria-describedby="helper_id"> for screen readers.

Helper text here

Negative version

Helper text here

Loading text field


On the container of spinner element, you have to set:

  • role="alert" and aria-live="polite" attributes ; the screen reader will alert the user something is loading if the user is not busy somewhere else on the page
  • aria-busy="true"
  • an explicite value for aria-label attribute:
    • FR: Merci de patienter... Votre contenu est en cours de chargement
    • EN: Please wait... Your content is loading
    • NL: Even geduld aub... Uw inhoud wordt geladen
    • DE: Bitte warten... Ihr Inhalt wird geladen

Once the spinner is replaced by the loaded content, you have to:

  • update aria-busy attribute to false
  • remove aria-label attribute

Add rs-form-item-waiting class to <div class="rs-form-item"> element. And add <span class="rs-form-waiting-dots"></span> after input .

Negative version

Disabled text field

Just add disabled attribute to the <input> .

Negative version

Readonly text field

Just add rs-filled class and readonly attribute to the <input> .

Negative version

Password field

Password field has a toggle icon allowing to see/hide typed password.


The toggle icon <span> should have an aria-label attribute with a description which should be translated to the page language for screen readers.

This is an error message

Password field with Success/error/helper texts

When filling in a Password field , it may have dynamic helper texts (to be dynamized by each team according to its needs) displayed as a list.


The helper texts should have an id (prefixed with "ac-" as accessibility abbreviation to know this is added for accessibility matter) which should be referenced in the <input aria-describedby="helper_id"> for screen readers.

This is an error message
This is a helper before a list
  • This is a normal helper text in a list
  • This is a success helper text
  • This is an error helper text

Negative version

This is an error message
This is a helper before a list
  • This is a normal helper text in a list
  • This is a success helper text
  • This is an error helper text

Text fields with a button

Form fields can be combined with a button as a standalone form like for instance "Reload" form field. They have to be wrapped within a rs-form-items-group rs-form-items-group-collapse . rs-form-items-group-collapse meaning there is no space between them and are displayed like on single element.The error message and/or the help text are placed with the field.

Negative version

Upload field

Upload fields are combined with a "fake" button allowing to choose a file to upload.


All @rsUpload objects can receive the following general parameters:

Name Type Purpose Default value
sLabel string Label .rsStd : "Upload label"
.rsMultipleFiles : "Multiple files label"
sID string ID .rsStd : "ac-uploadInput"
.rsMultipleFiles : "ac-multipleFiles"
sName string Name .rsStd : "uploadInput"
.rsMultipleFiles : "multipleFiles"
sValue string Value null
sPlaceholder string Placeholder example.pdf
bIsOptional boolean Optional false
sXtraClass string Extra classes ""
bIsError boolean Is error false
sErrorMsg string Error message "This is an error message"
bIsSuccess boolean Is success false
sSuccessMsg string Success message "This is an success message"
bHasHelper boolean With helper text .rsStd : false
.rsMultipleFiles : true
sHelperMsg string Helper message .rsStd : "This is a helper message"
.rsMultipleFiles : "To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting"
bIsDisabled boolean Is disabled false
bIsReadOnly boolean Is readonly false

Negative version

Multiple files

To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting

Text fields with pre/postfix

A form field can be combined with another form field before ( rs-form-item-prefix ) or after ( rs-form-item-postfix ). You must use collapse rows (see "Gridding") to manage inputs width and then simply add rs-form-item-prefix to the first rs-form-item if it is before the main rs-form-item and rs-form-item-postfix to the last rs-form-item if it is after the main rs-form-item . The error and the help texts are always placed with the related field.


This is an error message


This is an error message


How to trigger the js

Each time you add Text field to the page, you have to use this JS function inception.forms(CONTEXT);

CONTEXT refers to document or html element parent.


EXPIRY DATE: 30/04/2021

The input below is not accessible and should no longer be used.
This element will no longer be available from the expiry date meaning the related css will be removed and the element design will be broken if it's not adapted to the new html.

Class rs-label


The input below is deprecated and should no longer be used.
This element will no longer be available from the expiry date meaning the related css and JS will be removed and the element design will be broken if it's not adapted to the new html.


  • rs-form-label rs-form-label-file
  • rs-form-file-input
  • rs-form-file-btn
last modified: 21/05/2024 10:00:22

Configuration metadata

Selector: ds-text-fields

Class: DSTextFieldsComponent

Use case example



Name Type Default Required Description
textFieldsId string undefined Yes Unique id of the component
config ITextFieldsConfig {} Yes Component configuration
type TextFieldsTypesEnum undefined Yes Defines the type of input, if it a text or a search etc
loading boolean undefined Yes Defines if the component is in loading status or not
error boolean undefined Yes Defines if the component is invalid and has a validation error
valid boolean undefined Yes Defines if the component is valid
helper boolean undefined No Defines if the text field should have a helper text or not
helperPassword boolean undefined No Defines if the text field should have a helper text for a password text field or not
button boolean undefined No Defines if there should be a button
buttonId string undefined Yes Defines unique id of the button
buttonDisabled boolean undefined No Defines if the existing button should be enabled/disabled
showGreenButtonColor boolean true No Defines if the rs-btn-order CSS class should be applied
readonly boolean false No Set the readonly attribute


Name Type Description
buttonClicked EventEmitter<boolean> Emits when the button is clicked
focused EventEmitter Emits on focus
blurred EventEmitter Emits on blur


        export interface ITextFieldsConfig {
            typeInputText?: string;
            rows?: number;
            label?: string;
            placeholder?: string;
            disabled?: boolean;
            disableAutoComplete?: boolean;
            prefilled?: string;
            errorMessage?: string;
            validMessage?: string;
            helperMessage?: string;
            pattern?: string;
            helperPasswordMessage?: string;
            helperPasswordSuccess?: string;
            helperPasswordError?: string;
            helperPasswordOk?: string;
            buttonMessage?: string;
            uploadMessage?: string;
            prefixPlaceHolder?: string;
            prefixLabel?: string;
            maskExp?: string;
            maskSuffix?: string;
            acceptedFileExtension?: string;

        export enum TextFieldsTypesEnum {
            InputText = 'inputText',
            TextArea = 'textArea',
            Password = 'password',
            File = 'file',
            Prefix = 'prefix',