Proximus design system
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Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.


Sysnav offer a handy way to navigate with anchors within a page.

last modified: 12/12/2022 16:00:04


Sysnav allows the user to navigate within a page by using anchors. Anchors help your visitors quickly find answers to their questions, without needing to scroll endlessly. A single click on an anchor will take them exactly where they want to go: down to the content.

Use the sysnav if the content of your page is very longue and the important informations are not on top of the page.

  1. Default sysnav
    Default sysnav takes the full width of the gridding.
  2. Sysnav with title
    The title is used to describe the topic of the sysnav.


  1. Active state
    State visible when the section in your viewport match with an item in the sysnav.
  2. Default state
    State visible before click.
  3. Hover/Focused state
    State visible when the cursor hovers the anchor and triggered by keyboard navigation or click.
  4. Disabled state
    State visible if the anchor is not available.


  1. Title (optional)
    The title is used to describe the topic of the sysnav.
  2. Item container
    Whether its state, each item is enclosed within a container.
  3. Anchor label
    Anchor labels should clearly and succinctly describe the content of the section they represent.
    To optimize the mobile experience, your labels can't exceed 25 characters, including spaces.
  4. Navigation arrows (desktop only)
    If the synav is bigger than the gridding size, the exceeding elements will be hidden and an arrow will be displayed on desktop only. This arrow allows to comfortably navigate through all the items. It is avaiblable both on the right and the left side depending where the user is within the list.

Navigation between anchors

If the synav is bigger than the gridding size, the exceeding anchors will be hidden. Users can navigate through all the anchors differently depending of the breakpoint:

Anchors are hidden by a clean cut and the user can use the navigation arrows to see the other anchors.

Anchors are hidden by a clean cut and the user can navigate through the anchors by swiping the sysnav.


The sysnav can overlap on another element. It's then placed astride and positioned at half its height.

Make sure there is enough space in the area for the sysnav to overlap.

Negative sysnav

In the negative version, the overlap option is only available for black interface.

It's forbidden to use the negative sysnav on overlap on others colors like purple.

Sysnav with title

The overlap option is only available for the default sysnav. .

On desktop, it's forbidden to use the sysnav with title on overlap

On mobile, it's forbidden to use the sysnav with title on overlap too.


Sysnav with title on mobile
In the case of the sysnav with title, this one is displayed before the sysnav on mobile.

Overlapping on mobile
When you choose to apply the overlap option, it will be also overlap the sysnav on mobile.

last modified: 30/09/2021 11:10:06

Sizes and colors

last modified: 15/09/2023 15:55:10

aria-label='Page navigation' role='navigation' has to be added to rs-sysnav-list .
The aria-label='Page navigation' is added for screen readers to provide a text alternative, so it has to be translated for all languages.

When an anchor link is disabled, replace its anchor with javascript:void(0) and add tabindex='-1' on it.


Add the class rs-selected to rs-sysnav-item when its anchor link is selected.
Add the class rs-disabled to rs-sysnav-item when its anchor link is disabled.

How does it work

Sysnav is a webcomponent which needs data-rslib-webcomponent-load="rslib.apps.sysnav" attribute to work.

Sysnav standard

Negative version

Add the class rs-sysnav-neg to rs-sysnav .

Sysnav with title


There is a dedicated class for sysnav title ( rs-sysnav-title ), please use it and don't create yours.
You can use gridding for alignment, like in the example below.

Negative version


Be carefull to add rs-txt-c2 to rs-sysnav-title to change the text color.

Sysnav overlapping

To have a sysnav overlapping the section above it, add rs-sysnav-overlapping to the <section> of the sysnav.

Section below

The section next to the overlapped sysnav must have a rs-fe3 spacing. Please refers to SpacingNew window article.

Negative version


How to trigger the js

As Sysnav is a webcomponent, you will have to load inception.webComponentLoad(CONTEXT); first to be able to load the scripts.

Next time you add Sysnav to the page, you have to call this JS:


CONTEXT refers to document or html element parent to data-sysnav.

last modified: 08/01/2025 11:45:21

Configuration metadata

Selector: ds-sysnav

Class: DSSysNavComponent

Use case example



Name Type Default Required Description
id string sysnav Yes Defines unique id of the component
title string undefined No Sets the sysnav title
config ISysNavConfig undefined Yes Sets component configuration
inputSysNavContents ISysNavContent[] [] Yes Sets component content


Name Type Description
sysNavClicked EventEmitter<string> Emits the selected choice of the user when a sysnav element is clicked


        export interface ISysNavContent {
            id: string;
            label: string;
            isSelected?: boolean;
            isDisabled?: boolean;
            reference: string;

        export interface ISysNavConfig {
            hasNegativeStyle?: boolean;
            hasTitle?: boolean;
            isOverlapping?: boolean;