Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.

Search fields

See deprecated code
expiry date: 30/04/2021

Search allows users to enter keywords or a phrase to find relevant result without the use of navigation.

last modified: 08/06/2022 11:20:05


  1. Default search field - As-you-type suggestion search
    If you wish to offer suggestions to the user (e.g. fuzzy, elactic or autocomplete searches), this option is very handy and enables dynamic results.
  2. Search field with button
    When a search is static, this option allows the users to type in its request and hit the search button in order to submit the search request.
Are you building a form with several components?

Forms can be simple or complex, so we have prepared clear recommendations for you to use. These guidelines will help you build your forms and maintain consistency between all the forms of our digital platforms.
Discover our recommandations to build a form.


Input field states

For all the input field states info, please refer to the text field article.

  1. Default state
    State visible before click. Field and label are displayed. No user input yet.
  2. Active state
    State visible when the field is focused.

  3. Hover/Focus state
    State visible when the cursor hovers the suggestion and triggered by keyboard navigation or click.


If you wish to offer suggestions to the user (e.g. fuzzy, elactic or autocomplete searches), this option is very handy and enables dynamic results.

Default autocomplete

  1. Text field state
    Allows users to open the options panel. For more info about the field, check out the text field article.
  2. Search for the input
    If the user wish to search for the specific string he entered, this first item of the list will act as the submit button. It differs from the rest of the elements in the list by its color and the magnifying glass icon.
  3. Suggestions panel
    The suggestion panel open when the user start typing, this panel contains all the the items that the system found.
  4. Suggestion
    Each suggestion item within the list is a clickable element that triggers the search with the specific element clicked.
Add a suggestion

In some cases, you should prevent the users ending up with an empty result. Hence, you can offer them to add their input to the list of entries, they'll be able to move forward in the flow their currently in.

This is an optional element of the component. Before using this option, make sure that the data model allows this option.

Complexe autocomplete with checkboxes

  1. Text field state
    Allows users to open the options panel. For more info about the field, check out the text field article.
  2. Suggestions panel
    The suggestion panel open when the user start typing, this panel contains a list of options to select from that the system found.
  3. Suggestion
    Each option item within the list is a checkbox element that triggers the search with the specific checkbox clicked. Multiple checkboxes can be selected at once.
last modified: 08/06/2022 11:20:05

Sizes and colors

last modified: 29/08/2024 14:20:09

All form fields have a 100% width so they need to be included in a gridding to have the wished size.

Each <input> must be wrapped within <div class="rs-form-item"> container. This container must contain <input type="search"> and <label> linked to the input thanks to for attribute refering to the <input> id .
We put ac- prefix (abbreviation for "accessibility") to know that this id has been added for accessibility matter.

By default, all form fields are mandatory, except those mentionned with (optional) in the label.

Default search

Default negative search

rs-form-neg class added on <form> or a <div> container (if <form> is not needed in particular cases like with Angular) allows to switch all form fields to negative version.

Search with button

Search fields can be combined with a button as a standalone form.

Search loading

Error search

To use Zurb Foundation form check javascript, data-abide="ajax" should be added to <form> so error class will be added/removed dynamically when needed, for example if <input> is required.


The <span> error message should have an id which should be referenced in the <input aria-describedby="ac_error_id"> for screen readers when the error is displayed.

id is prefixed with "ac-" (as accessibility abbreviation) to know this is added for accessibility matter.

Javascript will display the error automatically.

This is an error message

Search with helper text


The <span> helper text should have an id which should be referenced in the <input aria-describedby="ac_helper_id"> for screen readers.

id is prefixed with "ac-" (as accessibility abbreviation) to know this is added for accessibility matter.

Helper text

Disabled search

Just add disabled attribute to both <input> and <button> .

Search autocomplete


Following attributes have to be added to <input> for screenreaders to understand the list related to the search field:

  • role="combobox" : a combo box is an edit control with an associated list box that provides a set of predefined choices
  • autocomplete="off" stops browsers from showing their own suggestions, which would interfere with those offered by our component
  • aria-autocomplete
    • aria-autocomplete="list" : indicates that the autocomplete behavior of the text input is to suggest a list of possible values in a popup related to the string present in the textbox
    • aria-autocomplete="both" : indicates that the autocomplete behavior of the text input is to both show suggest a list of possible values in a popup related to the string present in the textbox and a predicted/preselected value in that list
  • aria-expanded="false" tells users whether the search list is expanded or collapsed by toggling its value between true or false , must be updated each time search list is visible or not
  • aria-controls="ac-searchList-ID" containing the ID of <ul> list
  • aria-activedescendant="" refer to the currently active element (ID of focused <li> via keyboard), must be updated each time user press navigation keys like Arrow Up and Down

Following attributes have to be added to <ul> :

  • id="ac-searchList-ID" must contain the same value as aria-controls="ac-searchList-ID" on <input>
  • role="listbox"
  • tabindex="-1" to make search list inside clickable but not focusable
  • aria-labelledby="ac-title-ID" linked to label

Following attributes have to be added to <li>

  • unique id on selectable items put inside aria-activedescendant="" when selected
  • role="option" on selectable items
  • aria-selected tells users which option within the list is visually selected or not by toggling the value between true or false , must be updated each time user press navigation keys like Arrow Up and Down
  • aria-live="polite" role="status" on search status if used
How does it work

Search Autocomplete is a webcomponent which needs data-rslib-webcomponent-load="rslib.apps.searchautocomplete" attribute to work. Javascript will add keyboard interractions.

Don't forget attribute data-searchautocomplete on input .

Astuce with overlayer

In overlayer, use a gridding columns small-12 medium-11 around.

You can change height of the list with class rs-scroll-v rs-maxh-XXX (see height according to its needs).

  • Search for: Smart
  • Smart
  • Smart wifi
  • Smartphone

Both: first element preselected

  • Search for: Smart
  • Smart
  • Smart wifi
  • Smartphone

No result / Empty case

  • Your search did not yield any result. Please adapt your search criteria.

Search autocomplete with checkbox


Following attributes have to be added to <input> for screenreaders to understand the list related to the search field:

  • autocomplete="off" stops browsers from showing their own suggestions, which would interfere with those offered by our component
  • role="combobox" : a combo box is an edit control with an associated list box that provides a set of predefined choices
  • aria-autocomplete="list" : indicates that the autocomplete behavior of the text input is to suggest a list of possible values in a popup and that the suggestions are related to the string that is present in the textbox
  • aria-expanded="false" tells users whether the search list is expanded or collapsed by toggling its value between true or false , must be updated each time search list is visible or not
  • aria-controls="ac-searchList-ID" containing the ID of <ul> list
  • aria-activedescendant="" refer to the currently active element (ID of focused <li> via keyboard), must be updated each time user press navigation keys like Arrow Up and Down

Following attributes have to be added to <ul> :

  • id="ac-searchList-ID" must contain the same value as aria-controls="ac-searchList-ID" on <input>
  • role="listbox"
  • tabindex="-1" to make search list inside clickable but not focusable
  • aria-multiselectable="true" to indicates that the user may select more than one item from the search list
  • aria-labelledby="ac-title-ID" linked to label

Following attributes have to be added to <li>

  • unique id on selectable items put inside aria-activedescendant="" when selected
  • role="option" on selectable items
  • aria-selected tells users which option within the list is visually selected or not by toggling the value between true or false , must be updated each time user press navigation keys like Arrow Up and Down
  • aria-checked tells users which option within the list is checked or not by toggling the value between true or false , must be updated each time user checked the option via keyboard interraction or via mouse click
  • aria-live="polite" role="status" on search status if used

Following attributes have to be added to <input type="checkbox">

  • tabindex="-1" to ensure that the checkboxes do not get the focus
How does it work

Search Autocomplete is a webcomponent which needs data-rslib-webcomponent-load="rslib.apps.searchautocomplete" attribute to work. Javascript will add keyboard interractions.

Don't forget attribute data-searchautocomplete on input .

Astuce with overlayer

In overlayer, use a gridding columns small-12 medium-11 around.

You can change height of the list with class rs-scroll-v rs-maxh-XXX (see height according to its needs).


How to trigger the js

Each time you add Search field to the page, you have to use this JS function inception.forms(CONTEXT);

CONTEXT refers to document or html element parent.


How to trigger the js

As Search Autocomplete is a webcomponent, you will have to load inception.webComponentLoad(CONTEXT); first to be able to load the scripts.

Next time you add Search Autocomplete to the page, you have to call those JS: inception.forms(CONTEXT); searchautocomplete.init(CONTEXT);

CONTEXT refers to document or html element parent to the component.

Pay attention to not use directly those events on any search autocomplete element: click, keydown, focus, blur.

What the library doesn't do

You still need to filtered options in the SEARCHLIST based on printable characters in INPUT. Use input event for that.

Search autocomplete webcomponent got dispatch event that you can trigger:

  • Close: INPUT.addEventListener('inception.searchautocomplete.close', FUNCTION);
    Your FUNCTION will be triggered when Search list linked to INPUT is closed.

SEARCHLIST refers to html element linked to INPUT.

INPUT refers to html element input[data-searchautocomplete] .

FUNCTION refers to function of your choice.


EXPIRY DATE: 30/04/2021

The search input below is not accessible and should no longer be used.
This element will no longer be available from the expiry date meaning the related css will be removed and the element design will be broken if it's not adapted to the new html.


  • rs-label
  • rs-input-collapsed
last modified: 28/02/2024 15:30:08

Configuration metadata

Selector: ds-search-field

Class: DSSearchFieldComponent

Use case example



Name Type Default Required Description
config ISearchFieldConfig undefined Yes Applies configuration to the component
isButtonDisabled boolean false No Enables/Disables the search button
underText string null No The text shown under the search field
isTextErrorMessage boolean false No Defines if the text is and error message or not
suggestions string[] [] No Defines the search result proposals
multiSelectSuggestions ISearchSelect[] undefined No Refers to the multiple selected suggestions
inputNumberId string Random number produced bt Math.random No The id of the component
inputType string search No Defines the input type
searchPlaceholder string missing placeholder Yes Defines search placeholder
inputLabel string Search No Defines the input label
translations ISearchFieldTranslations { search: 'search',searchFor: 'search for',placeholder: 'placeholder' } No Control translations
clearAfterSearch boolean true No Defines if the input will be cleared after submit
isValid boolean false No Add green contour to the field
enableWaitingDotsLoader false false No Adds the three dots indicating loading in the field


Name Type Description
submitEmitter EventEmitter<string> Emits when the user submits the search
selectedValues EventEmitter<ISearchSelect> Emits the selected value


        export interface ISearchFieldConfig {
            showButton?: boolean;
            negative?: boolean;
            disabled?: boolean;
            multiSelect? : boolean;
            displaySerachForAutocomplete?: boolean;

        export interface ISearchFieldTranslations {
            search?: string;
            searchFor?: string;
            placeholder: string;

        export interface ISearchSelect {
					label: string;
					subLabel?: string;
					value: string | number;
					isSelected: boolean;
					isDisabled?: boolean;