Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.


Typography needs to offer a clear way to display text. It helps us create hierarchies, organize information, and guide our users through pages.

last modified: 15/09/2023 15:40:07


Scarlet uses DIN Next LT Pro font. It can be downloaded via our DAM: DIN Next LT Pro font.

Fallback font

If the font is not displayed in a browser, the fallback font is Calibri. Calibri is the default font used on the e-mails for technical reasons.

Typography components


Heading is used to create various levels of typographic hierarchies.

See all about Headings

Body text

Body text normal is always DIN Next LT Pro Font Regular and its typically used for long-form writing

Detail text

Detail text is used for disclosing extra information or smaller items in hierarchical relationships of text. As caption and footnotes who are the smallest font sizes. They are used sparingly to annotate a table or give more small information.

Type scale


Each theme uses a common library with defined text sizes and line height. As Proximus being the default theme, all usage documentation is writing with Proximus examples and can be apply to other themes. Refer to Text sizes to have all the details.


The standard alignment is left. Only use right alignment if that's justified for a particular reason.


Typesetting controls the readability of a text with the size, style, and spacing of its type. It's a function of microtypography (how text is styled within a text block) and macrotypography (how content elements are arranged on the page). The more readable a text the more easily users can understand its content. Text with poor readability turns off readers and can make it challenging for them to stay focused.

Easy to read

Easy-to-read constitutes a great extra reading to write and produce content that is accessible for all.


Do not use allCaps anywhere except for acronyms like SMS and TV.




If you need add emphasis on one and some words, you can use the DIN Next LT Pro bold. Font weight is an important typographic variable that can add emphasis and differentiate content hierarchy.

last modified: 15/09/2023 15:40:07

Type scale

Scale has been built to provide hierarchy and consistency for all cases throughout Proximus digital experience. Both mobile and desktop have their own factor in order to correspond to their specific needs.


Each theme uses a common library with defined text sizes and line height. As Proximus being the default theme, all usage documentation is writing with Proximus examples and can be apply to other themes. Refer to Text sizes to have all the details.

Type color


Each theme follow the same color system. As Proximus being the default theme, all usage documentation is writing with Proximus examples and can be apply to other themes. Please refer to Text colors to have all the details.

last modified: 09/02/2024 09:50:04

Font family classes

rs-font-pxL = DinNext Regular
rs-font-normal = DinNext Regular
rs-font-pxB = DinNext Bold
rs-font-pxXB = DinNext Heavy


To use a paragraph, place your text in a <p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...


The <span> tag is inline. You can integrate it inside your paragraph in order to specify a typographical difference without affecting the layout.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...


The <strong> tag is used to mark a text that you want to emphasize, it will be displayed in bold using the DinNext Bold font.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Body text sizes

It's possible to adapt the size of your content by adding a class to your elements. To do this, redirect you to the section Text sizes.

Font colors

It's possible to change the color of the typeface by simply adding a class starting with 'rs-txt-' followed by the desired color. For example rs-txt-primary . You will find all references in section Text Colors.


It's possible to play on the justification of the texts, for that redirect you to the section Alignment.

last modified: 27/09/2023 19:30:04