Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.

Message box

See deprecated code
expiry date: 30/04/2024

A message box is a graphical user interface element used to display information, alerts, or prompts to users within interfaces.

last modified: 08/11/2023 10:30:16


Message boxes are intended to inform users about events in the pages. Depending on the type of message, there are 2 categories of messages:

Status messages

  1. Success message
    Displayed to give a direct feedback to the user when ordering or activating something. This type of message is also used for a congratulations message, when the user's action triggers something positive or additional than the initial request. Congratulation message offers a neat solution to trigger some surprise and delight.
  2. Error message
    Prompted when user input is incorrect, forbidden, or the system fails to operate a task. The error message helps the user by giving him the feedback about what error he encountered.
  3. Warning message
    Triggered when user is about to do a destructive action such as: deletion, non-reversible modification, etc.
  4. On going message
    Displayed to give a feedback to the user when a process has started but has not finished running.

Informative messages

  1. Default message
    Gives short additional informations about a topic within the page.
  2. Specific icon message
    Gives short additional informations about a specific topic as a sustainability information in this case.


Two behaviors are possible when displaying a message box:

  1. Inline
    Inline message boxes show up in task flows, to notify users of the status of an action. They usually appear at the top of the concerned content.
  2. Overlayer
    An overlayer message box appears in front of web page content to provide information or ask for a decision. Overlayers disable all page functionality when they appear, and remain on screen until confirmed, dismissed, or a required action has been taken. Dialogs are purposefully interruptive, so they should be used sparingly.
    For more info about the overlayer behaviour, check out the overlayer article.


  1. Indicator type color
    Depending on the type of message, the color changes to clearly show which kind of message it is.
  2. Container
    Container is displayed around the icon indicator and content with a solid color.
  3. Icon indicator
    The icon shows clearly which kind of message is it. The icon indicator is displayed in the indicator type color. For status messages, please adhere to the status color guidelines. In the case of informative messages, the default color should remain the primary color, unless the message necessitates a specific color, such as green to convey a sense of sustainability.
  4. Title
    Title give the user the context about the message box, it should be short and descriptive, explaining the most important piece of information.
  5. Content (optional)
    Desciption provide a more in-depth explanation over the message, it contains all the informations the users need to have in order to take the proper decisions. Explain how to resolve the issue by including any troubleshooting actions or next steps. Be concise and avoid repeating or paraphrasing the title.
    In the inline behavior, you can include a link or a button within the content that redirect the user to next steps. Limit action labels to one or two words.
  6. Action(s) zone (overlayer behaviour)
    In the overlayer behavior, you can include a button within the action zone that redirect the user to next steps.
  7. Close action link (optional)
    The close action link gives the possibility to the user to close the message. For more info about the close action link, check out the actions article.

Dismissible or persistent

Message boxes do not dismiss automatically. They persist on the page until the user dismisses them or takes action that resolves the notification.

The close action button in the top right corner is used to dismiss message boxes. Including the close button is optional and should not be included if it is critical for a user to read or interact with the notification.

  1. Use dismissible message boxes when the information has been acknowledged and the message is no longer relevant.
  2. Use persistent message boxes when the information continues to be relevant after the message is shown.

Best practices


The width of message boxes varies based on content and layout. They can expand to the fill the container or content area they relate to. Their height is based on the content length, which should not exceed two lines of text.


Message boxes appear near their related items.

Related elements

Error message box vs empty state

Use error message box when :
  • There is no interaction between your interface and the user, and you need to display an error.
  • There is an interaction between your interface and the user, and you need to display an error regarding something else than an no result situation like the user has type a wrong text or has not complete everything.
Use empty state when :
  • There is an interaction between your interface and the user, and the users provide an input that return no results. The most common case is during searching and filtering results. If the query doesn't match with any result, the system will return an empty state.
    More info about the empty state
last modified: 30/09/2021 11:10:06

Sizes and colors

last modified: 08/11/2023 12:30:10

To create a message box, use the following @rsAlertBox objects.


All @rsAlertBox objects can receive the following parameters:

Name Type Description Default value
sTitle string Title "This is the title"
sMessage string Content "<p>This is the message</p>"
bCloseBtn boolean Show close button true
bTitle boolean Show title true
bMessage boolean Show content true
sCloseLabel string Close label "Close the message box"
bModal boolean Display as overlayer false
sModalId string Overlayer ID "msg-overlayer"
bModalSmall boolean Display as small overlayer false
bModalFooter boolean Show footer false
sModalFooterContent string Footer content "<p>This is the footer</p>"
bModalUnclosable boolean Overlayer unclosable false
sXtraClass string Extra class to rs-msgbox container ""

Inline status


role="alert" attribute must be present in the message box container. The alert role is for important, and usually time-sensitive, information.

As they don't receive focus, focus does not need to be managed and no user interaction should be required. If the user is expected to close the alert, then use overlayer version.

Success / Confirmation

Add rs-success class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

For negative render, add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.


Add rs-error class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

For negative render, add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.


Add rs-warning class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

For negative render, add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

On going

Add rs-ongoing class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

For negative render, add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

Inline informative


role="alert" attribute must be present in the message box container. The alert role is for important, and usually time-sensitive, information.

As they don't receive focus, focus does not need to be managed and no user interaction should be required. If the user is expected to close the alert, then use overlayer version.


For negative render, add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

Specific icon


For negative render, add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

Overlayer status


Alert dialogs are used to convey messages to alert the user.

  • role="alertdialog" attribute must be present in the overlayer container
  • associate overlayer and title:
    • you must provide an accessible name for a dialog, which can be done with the aria-labelledby="ac-MsgOverlayerID-label" attribute in the overlayer container
    • add the same id in rs-msgbox-title element
  • associate overlayer and content (not mandatory, but highly recommended):
    • you should use aria-describedby="ac-MsgOverlayerID-content" in the overlayer container to reference the alert message element in the dialog
    • add the same id in rs-msgbox-content element
  • for the focus trap, you need at least one clickable element ( <button> or <href> ), including the close button!

Closing the overlayer:

  • title="Close the overlayer" attribute is added to a <span> to display a tooltip explaining the purpose of the close button.
  • within this <span> , an extra <span class="show-for-sr">Close the overlayer</span> is added so that screen readers can detect it
  • The copy has to be translated in the following languages:
    • EN: "Close the overlayer"
    • FR: "Fermer fenêtre"
    • NL: "Sluit venster"

aria-labelledby and aria-describedby are automatically generated by the Overlayer ID .

To make the overlayer small, add class rs-reveal-modal-small to the <div> containing rs-reveal-modal .

Success / Confirmation

Add rs-reveal-msgbox-success class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class.

Add rs-success class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

This is the title

This is the message

For negative render:

  • add rs-reveal-msgbox-neg class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class
  • add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class
This is the title

This is the message


Add rs-reveal-msgbox-error class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class.

Add rs-error class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

This is the title

This is the message

For negative render:

  • add rs-reveal-msgbox-neg class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class
  • add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class
This is the title

This is the message


Add rs-reveal-msgbox-warning class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class.

Add rs-warning class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

This is the title

This is the message

For negative render:

  • add rs-reveal-msgbox-neg class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class
  • add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class
This is the title

This is the message

On going

Add rs-reveal-msgbox-ongoing class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class.

Add rs-ongoing class to the element containing rs-msgbox class.

This is the title

This is the message

For negative render:

  • add rs-reveal-msgbox-neg class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class
  • add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class
This is the title

This is the message

Overlayer informative


Alert dialogs are used to convey messages to alert the user.

  • role="alertdialog" attribute must be present in the overlayer container
  • associate overlayer and title:
    • you must provide an accessible name for a dialog, which can be done with the aria-labelledby="ac-MsgOverlayerID-label" attribute in the overlayer container
    • add the same id in rs-msgbox-title element
  • associate overlayer and content (not mandatory, but highly recommended):
    • you should use aria-describedby="ac-MsgOverlayerID-content" in the overlayer container to reference the alert message element in the dialog
    • add the same id in rs-msgbox-content element
  • for the focus trap, you need at least one clickable element ( <button> or <href> ), including the close button!

Closing the overlayer:

  • title="Close the overlayer" attribute is added to a <span> to display a tooltip explaining the purpose of the close button.
  • within this <span> , an extra <span class="show-for-sr">Close the overlayer</span> is added so that screen readers can detect it
  • The copy has to be translated in the following languages:
    • EN: "Close the overlayer"
    • FR: "Fermer fenêtre"
    • NL: "Sluit venster"

aria-labelledby and aria-describedby are automatically generated by the Overlayer ID .

To make the overlayer small, add class rs-reveal-modal-small to the <div> containing rs-reveal-modal .


This is the title

This is the message

For negative render:

  • add rs-reveal-msgbox-neg class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class
  • add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class
This is the title

This is the message

Specific icon


This is the title

This is the message

For negative render:

  • add rs-reveal-msgbox-neg class to the element containing rs-reveal-msgbox class
  • add rs-neg class to the element containing rs-msgbox class
This is the title

This is the message

Overlayer with complex footer

This is the title

This is the message


Using Angular?

Building your pages with Angular? Add the following attribute to the element containing class rs-msgbox :

  • data-ng-non-bindable

This will prevent the data-alert attribute from being misread as an Angular directive (due to mm-foundation), which would cause the DOM to be altered and, as a consequence, the layout would break.


Follow Overlayer JS rule for Message overlayer.


EXPIRY DATE: 30/04/2024

The following classes have been simplified and replaced.

  • rs-msgbox-neg is deprecated and simplified to rs-neg
  • rs-msgbox-success is deprecated and simplified to rs-success
  • rs-msgbox-error is deprecated and simplified to rs-error
  • rs-msgbox-warning is deprecated and simplified to rs-warning
  • rs-msgbox-ongoing is deprecated and simplified to rs-ongoing

EXPIRY DATE: 30/04/2021

The message boxes below are not accessible and should no longer be used.
This element will no longer be available from the expiry date meaning the related css will be removed and the element design will be broken if it's not adapted to the new html.


  • alert-box
  • rs-alert
  • rs-alert-login
  • rs-alert-confirm
  • rs-alert-error
  • rs-alert-info
  • rs-alert-cookie
Information message box

This is the message

Confirmation message box

This is the message

Warning message box

This is the message

Error message box

This is the error message

Congratulation message box

This is the message

EXPIRY DATE: 20/09/2023

The message boxe below is not accessible and should no longer be used.
This element will no longer be available from the expiry date meaning the related css will be removed and the element design will be broken if it's not adapted to the new html.

Attribute: role="alertdialog" aria-live="assertive"

This is the title

This is the message

Tertiary button
last modified: 28/02/2024 15:30:08

Configuration metadata (DSMessageBoxComponent)

Selector: ds-message-box

Class: DSMessageBoxComponent

Use case example



Name Type Default Required Description
forwardText string null No The button label to the right(forward) place of the message box
backwardText string null No The button label to the left(backwards) place of the message box
showCross boolean undefined No Shows/Hides the cross(close button) for the top right of the message window
closeMessageBoxTranslation string Close the message box No The on:Hover cross label
isNegative boolean false No Defines light/dark style of the component
cypressTag string undefined No Automation test tag
messageType MessageBoxTypesEnum undefined Yes Defines the message box type
specificIcon IconEnum null No Defines a specific icon, like Sustainability


Name Type Description
forwardEmitter EventEmitter Emits when forward button is clicked
backwardEmitter EventEmitter Emits when backward button is clicked
crossEmitter EventEmitter Emits when cross(close button) is clicked


        export enum MessageBoxTypesEnum {

Configuration metadata (DSOverlayerMessageComponent)

Selector: ds-overlayer-message

Class: DSOverlayerMessageComponent

Use case example



Name Type Default Required Description
id string undefined Yes Component unique id
showModal boolean undefined Yes Component unique id
footerMainButtonLabel string false No Show/Hide the overlayer message box
footerMainButtonDisabled boolean false No Show/Hide the main(right) button from the footer
footerMainButtonCypresTag string null No Automation test tag for the main(right) button
footerSecondaryButtonLabel string null No The button label to the secondary(left) button of the message box
footerSecondaryButtonDisabled boolean false No Show/Hide the secondary(left) button from the footer
footerSecondaryButtonCypresTag string null No Automation test tag for the secondary(left) button
footerLinkButtonLabel string null No Automation test tag for the secondary(left) link button. No button rendering just a link.
footerLinkButtonCypresTag string null No Automation test tag for the secondary(left) link button
showCross boolean false No Shows/Hides the cross(close button) for the top right of the message window
closeMessageBoxTranslation string Close the overlayer No The on:Hover cross label
isNegative boolean false No Defines light/dark style of the component
small boolean false No Defines if the overlayes message box is small or normal size
cypressTag string undefined No Automation test tag for the whole component
messageType MessageBoxTypesEnum undefined Yes Defines the message box type
specificIcon IconEnum null No Defines a specific icon, like Sustainability


Name Type Description
footerMainButtonClick EventEmitter Emits when footer main button is clicked
footerSecondaryButtonClick EventEmitter Emits when footer secondary button is clicked
footerLinkButtonClick EventEmitter Emits when footer secondary link button is clicked
onClose EventEmitter<OverlayerMessageCloseTypeEnum> Emits when the overlayer is closed. Also emits the way it was closed by cross, by ESC key or by clicking the backdrop.


        export enum OverlayerMessageCloseTypeEnum {
            CROSS = 'CROSS',
            ESC = 'ESC',

Configuration metadata (DSLoadingMsgComponent)

Selector: ds-loading-msg

Class: DSLoadingMsgComponent

Use case example





