Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.


A spinner is a visual indicator of loading or processing, reassuring users that an action is in progress within interfaces.

last modified: 22/12/2023 15:25:11


Spinners are an indeterminate indicator which express an unspecified amount of wait time. They should be used when progress isn’t detectable, or if it’s not necessary to indicate how long an activity will take.


  1. Default spinner
    Spinner is a circular progress indicators that inform users about the status of ongoing processes, such as submitting a form or saving updates. It's tied to user-triggered actions.
  1. Skeleton
    Skeleton are simplified versions of components used on an initial page load to indicate that the information on the page has not fully loaded yet. They should only appear for only a few seconds, disappearing once components and content populate the page.

Default spinner overview

After the user action, the spinner will replace the content and be center on the interface. Spinners attract attention because of their animation so they should be used sparingly. Ideally, only one spinner should be used at a time.

Skeleton overview

Only use skeleton on container-based components like panels, data tables, buttons,... Never represent toast notifications, overflow menus, dropdown items, modals, and loaders with skeleton. Elements inside a modal may have a skeleton state, but the modal itself should not.

last modified: 30/09/2021 11:10:06

Sizes and colors

last modified: 23/02/2024 18:30:12

Default spinner


On the container of spinner element, you have to set:

  • role="alert" and aria-live="polite" attributes ; the screen reader will alert the user something is loading if the user is not busy somewhere else on the page
  • aria-busy="true"
  • an explicite value for aria-label attribute:
    • FR: Merci de patienter... Votre contenu est en cours de chargement
    • EN: Please wait... Your content is loading
    • NL: Even geduld aub... Uw inhoud wordt geladen
    • DE: Bitte warten... Ihr Inhalt wird geladen

Once the spinner is replaced by the loaded content, you have to:

  • update aria-busy attribute to false
  • remove aria-label attribute

To built a spinner on your page, put a <div> with rs-spinner class.

By default, the spinner is centered. But if you want it on the left, just add rs-no-margin-left class.


To have negative spinner just add rs-neg around rs-spinner element.

Spinner overlayer


On spinner overlayer element, you have to set:

  • aria-busy="true"
  • an explicite value for aria-label attribute:
    • FR: Merci de patienter... Votre contenu est en cours de chargement
    • EN: Please wait... Your content is loading
    • NL: Even geduld aub... Uw inhoud wordt geladen
    • DE: Bitte warten... Ihr Inhalt wird geladen

On the overlayer itself: change role="dialog" to role="alert" .
Pay attention this overlayer doesn't take the other overlayers' accessibility attributes

Once the spinner is replaced by the loaded content, you have to:

  • update aria-busy attribute to false
  • remove aria-label attribute


A skeleton is designed by panel combined with rs-bg-skeleton class. You can set widthNew window and heightNew window.


If you need multiple levels, don't change the background color, with its transparency rs-bg-skeleton is sufficient on its own


On section/element that contains skeleton, you have to set:

  • role="alert" and aria-live="polite" attributes ; the screen reader will alert the user something is loading if the user is not busy somewhere else on the page
  • aria-busy="true"
  • an explicite value for aria-label attribute:
    • FR: Merci de patienter... Votre contenu est en cours de chargement
    • EN: Please wait... Your content is loading
    • NL: Even geduld aub... Uw inhoud wordt geladen
    • DE: Bitte warten... Ihr Inhalt wird geladen

Once the skeleton is replaced by the loaded content, you have to:

  • update aria-busy attribute to false
  • remove aria-label attribute

See a concrete exemple of skeleton New window
See its page New window

Before content is loaded:
After content is loaded:

Skeleton animation

Add rs-anim-loading class on the element who needs the animation.

Before content is loaded:
After content is loaded:
last modified: 20/03/2024 14:50:12

Configuration metadata (DSSpinnerComponent)

Selector: ds-spinner

Class: DSSpinnerComponent

e2e testing Id: None

Use case example


Name Type Default Required Description
isNegative boolean false No Defines light/dark style of the component
alignment 'LEFT' | 'RIGHT' | 'NONE' 'NONE' No Horizontal component alignment





Configuration metadata (DSSpinnerOverlayComponent)

Selector: ds-spinner-overlay

Class: DSSpinnerOverlayComponent

e2e testing Id: None

Use case example



Name Type Default Required Description
popUpID string jsrs-loadingDialog No Component id
ariaLabel string undefined No Accessibility label
modalTitle string undefined No Title attribute
showOverlayer boolean false No Show/hide modal



