Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.


The price tag is used to emphasize the pricing of a special offer or a product. It's constructed in a way that it's highlighted from the rest of the content.

last modified: 19/10/2023 11:10:07


Price tags are constructed in a way that it's highlighted from the rest of the content. To ensure the highlight from the rest of the content, 3 sizes exist:

  1. Small
  2. Small-Medium
  3. Medium



Price is displayed to give to the user the price of a product.


Price is subject to a promo, the normal price is displayed in a strikethrough body text and the promoted price is higlighted in promo color.

The promotional price is also used to communicate the free of charge of a product or a service such as the installation.

Promo price on purple background

If the promo price is used on a Proximus purple background, for accessibility, the promo price should be completely white. You have to use the inverted price.


This price is used to show the user when he has exceeded the budget foreseen in his subscription.


This price is used when a product is no longer available

Prices for other suppliers

If you need to display a competitor's price in a comparison context for example, you should use this neutral price:


  1. Promo indicator
  2. Euro sign
  3. Price unit
  4. Price decimal
  5. Strikethrough price
  6. Period

Best practices

Price decimal depending of language


  • No space
  • Full stop to separate decimals

As of instead of €25.50 19.99 /month


Dutch, French and German

  • Space between Euro sign and price
  • Comma to separate decimals

A partir de au lieu de € 25,50 19,99 /mois


Remove decimal numbers if ".00"

As of instead of €25.50 19 /month


As of instead of €25.50 19.00 /month


Keep 2 decimal numbers in smaller size

As of instead of €25.50 19.99 /month


As of instead of €25.50 19.99 /month


Strikethrough price: all the numbers in the same size





Prices in plain text

In certain cases, such as conditions, pricing does not require emphasis and can be presented in plain text.
The pricing follows the same rules, with two digits for the decimals, unless it's "00" where the decimals are not displayed. Additionally, the decimal separator may vary based on the language.

last modified: 09/12/2022 10:50:05

Sizes and colors

last modified: 20/03/2024 15:00:14

Prices have a template to ensure specific style of each element composing it. There are different kinds of prices (normal, promo, negative...)

Default prices

To create a price , the desired size price class should be added to <span> .
There are 3 sizes of prices: small = rs-price-s | smedium = rs-price-sm | medium = rs-price-m
And there are different kinds of prices (promo, negative, free,...) which have each one their own class that should be added to price size class mentioned above: ( rs-price-promo , rs-price-inverted , rs-price-semi-inverted ,...).

Depending on the language, decimals and spaces have different formating but by default we use english format with decimals represented by a "."
The "€", the whole amount part and the decimals have each one a specific class as they have different sizes:
€= rs-euro | amount's whole part= rs-unit | amount's decimal part= rs-decimal .
To ensure the price remaining as an group ("€" with the amount) and never breaking on separate lines, a <span class="rs-nowrap"> should wrap the € and the amount parts.


All @rsPrice objects can receive all following optionnal parameters:

Name Type Description Default value
dPrice double Price in EN format (ex: 19.99) null
dOld double Old price in EN format (ex: 24.99) only for promo and free prices null
sXtraClass string Extra class to rs-price-s , rs-price-sm or rs-price-m container ""

From 19.99 /month
From 19.99 /month
From 19.99 /month

Default negative prices

To have a negative price, rs-price-inverted should be added to rs-price .


Disabled prices

Disabled prices

All different kinds of prices can be displayed as disabled just by adding rs-price-disabled class to any price.


Promo prices

To have a promo price, rs-price-promo should be added to rs-price .
The old price should be added before the new price whitin a <del> without any specification for €, amount nor decimals.


Unfortunately screenreaders don't interpret <del> so the 2 prices are read one after the other without any specification so a text espacially for screenreaders should be added within the <del> before the old price:
EN: <span class="show-for-sr">Instead of </span>
NL: <span class="show-for-sr">In plaats van </span>
FR: <span class="show-for-sr">Au lieu de </span>
DE: <span class="show-for-sr">Anstelle von </span>

instead of €24.99 19.99
instead of €24.99 19.99
instead of €24.99 19.99

Promo negative prices

To have a negative promo price, rs-price-inverted should be added to rs-price rs-price-promo .

Strikethrough price are included in <del> which needs a special attention for accessibility.


If the promo price is used on a Proximus purple background, for accessibility, the promo price should be completely white with rs-price-inverted class.

instead of €24.99 19.99
instead of €24.99 19.99
instead of €24.99 19.99

To have a promo price on a black background, rs-price-semi-inverted should be added to rs-price . This promo price can't be used on a purple background (see exemple above).

instead of €24.99 19.99
instead of €24.99 19.99
instead of €24.99 19.99

Free prices

A Free price is like the promo price.
The strikethrough price is optional.

instead of €19.99 Free
instead of €19.99 Free
instead of €19.99 Free

Prices for other suppliers

To have a "neutral" price typically used for any other than Proximus products, rs-price-neutral should be added to rs-price .


Exceeded prices

To have an exceeded price, rs-price-exceed should be added to rs-price .


Price format per language

All the examples above are using the default english format: a "." as decimal delimiter and no space between the € and amount.
French, dutch and german have a different: a "," as decimal delimiter and a space between the € and amount.

EN: instead of €24.99 19.99
FR: au lieu de € 24,99 19,99
NL: in plaats van € 24,99 19,99
DE: Anstelle von € 24,99 19,99
last modified: 28/02/2024 15:30:08

Configuration metadata (DSPricesComponent)

Selector: ds-prices

Class: DSPricesComponent

e2e testing Id: None

Use case example


Name Type Default Required Description
priceConfig PriceModel undefined Yes Contains info about the amount to show and the layout
negative boolean false No Determines negative style
blackBackground boolean false No Used to set 'black background style'
disabled boolean false No Disable the price
size PricesSizeEnum No Size of the price




			PriceModel {
				unit?: string; // put here as string 'Free' to use free mode
				decimal?: string;
				isPromo?: boolean;
				oldPrice?: {
					unit: string;
					decimal: string;
				priceType?: PriceTypeEnum;
			PriceTypeEnum {
				neutral = 'neutral',
				exceeded = 'exceeded',

Available from library version 14.81.2 and above