Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.

Date picker

Date picker allows the user to select a date or a range of dates from a calendar interface.

last modified: 08/06/2022 11:20:04


A datepicker can be added as a popup to a text field or display an inline calendar on an interface.
The popup shows when the field gains focus and is closed by clicking anywhere else on the page.

Are you building a form with several components?

Forms can be simple or complex, so we have prepared clear recommendations for you to use. These guidelines will help you build your forms and maintain consistency between all the forms of our digital platforms.
Discover our recommandations to build a form.

Anatomy and states

Text field

For more info about the field, check out the text field article.

Date picker popup

Mobile and desktop behaviour

Those explanations and illustrations concern the desktop version of the date picker. On mobile, we recommend using the native date picker from the browser.

  1. Month and year dropdowns
    By default, the date pickers is set on today's date. Month and year dropdowns let the user select the month and the year in a list.
  2. Current day-date
    Highlighted by default with the current date.
  3. Selected day
    Selected day indicates to the user the day he picked. State visible when a date is selected, the date picked is displayed in another color.
  4. Hover on date picker
    State visible when the cursor hovers the calendar when a date is already picked. Elements are displayed in another color.
  5. Focused state
    State visible when users select the date picker via tab key. Focus on a day, month dropdown or year dropdown.
Weekdays and weekends

Weekdays and weekend days have a different background color and font color to help the user to understand the calendar working days.

last modified: 08/06/2022 11:20:04

Date picker field

Text field

For more info about the field, check out the text field article.

Date picker popup

Font sizes and colors

Please refer to the font sizes and colors default values.

Attribute Desktop
1. Month and year labels Font weight
Font size
Font color
Size 3
Black 9
2. Day label Font weight
Font size
Font color
Size 3
Black 9
3. Weekday Font weight
Font size
Font color
Background color
Black 9
4. Weekend day Font weight
Font size
Font color
Background color
Black 9
5. Current day Font weight
Font size
Font color
Backgournd color
6. Selected day Font weight
Font size
Font color
Backgournd color
last modified: 08/06/2022 11:20:04

Default datepicker

This datepicker is a jQuery Plugin.
Documentation can be found here: New window


Input field must always be editable.

That means you have to add some javascript (regex) to check that the entered date corresponds to what you expect.

It's also possible to add pattern=" " attribute on the input . Here are some examples: HTML5 pattern DatesNew window.

How to create a datepicker?

Add the class rs-datepicker to an input with an id of your choice.

Razor: how to add above script to our .cshtml pages.

It must be embed in @section ipAssetsScripts{ } at the bottom of the page.

Negative datepicker

To use the negative version, add rs-form-neg class to <form> or to <div> container (if <form> is not needed in particular cases like with Angular) allows to switch all form fields to negative version.


Just add disabled attribute to the <input> .

Negative disabled datepicker

Inline datepicker

You can also create an inline calendar by adding the class rs-datepicker-inline on a simple div and add an id of your choice and add the following script to the bottom of the page:

Error datepicker

Error status is available by adding error on rs-form-item .

Negative version


This datepicker is a jQuery Plugin.
Documentation can be found here: New window

How to trigger the js

Put the following script to the bottom of the page:

last modified: 21/05/2024 10:00:22

Configuration metadata

Selector: ds-date-picker

Class: DSDatePickerComponent

Use case example



Name Type Default Required Description
id string undefined No Unique id of the component
currentStep number undefined Yes Defines the active number
numberOfSteps number undefined Yes Defines the number of steps
stepTranslations String[] undefined Yes Translations of the component




		export interface IDatePickerOptions {
			showTrigger?: string; // 'Some html'
			showOnFocus?: boolean; // input field gains focus
			rangeSelect?: boolean; // date range within the one picker
			multiSelect?: number; // allow the selection of multiple individual dates
			defaultDate?: string | number | Date; // set the default date to display when no other is set in the datepicker.
			minDate?: string | Date; // set minimum and/or maximum dates within which a date may be chosen
			maxDate?: string | Date; // set minimum and/or maximum dates within which a date may be chosen
			monthsToShow?: number; // Modify the display of each month in single view of Date picker
			multiSeparator?: string; // + or - for adding in multiple date selection
			changeMonth?: boolean; // set change month allowed in datepicker
			yearRange?: string; // 'c-5:c+5'  yearRange setting only applies to the year drop-down
			monthsToStep?: number; // months to step after next next
			monthsOffset?: number; // Show three months with current iné the middle
			autoSize?: boolean; // auto size for datepicker
			selectDefaultDate?: boolean; // select default date
			firstDay?: number; // the number of the first day in the calendar 0-6
			firstDayOfMonth?: boolean; // set only the first day of each month within the range selectable
			lastDayOfMonth?: boolean; // set only the last day of each month within the range selectable
			isAnyDayWithFirstOfMonth?: boolean; // set only if selectable within min and max range or 1st day of consecutive month till max date