Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.
Angular release notes
You'll find all the details concerning Angular library releases.
last modified: 01/01/1601 01:00:00
- updateThe lib is now strong typed so safer. No impact on consumers
- updateThe lib doesn't contain any on push detection strategy anymore
- updateds-search-field now highlights the searched text in the suggestions
- updatedsTableSorting input sortType has default type SortType.None
- deprecatedds-select input inputSelectContents is deprecated. Replaced by selectContentArray
- deprecatedds-select input options is not an observable anymore.
- deprecatedds-sysnav input inputSysNavContents is not an object, it's directly the array of ISysNavContent.
- deprecatedds-sysnav input config is not an observable anymore.
- deprecatedds-tabs-button input inputTabsContents is not an observable anymore.
- deprecatedds-tabs-button input inputTabsContents is not an object, it's directly the array of ITabsContent.
- deprecatedds-text-field input type is now typed as TextFieldsTypesEnum and default is TextFieldsTypesEnum.InputText
- newChange library nexus storage from proximus to dch. Now the lib is named @dch/pxs-angular-design-system
- deprecatedOverlayer config removed config attributes that are in the ds-message-overlayer: warningStyle, congratulationStyle, errorStyle, successStyle, infoStyle, and negStyle which is not required anymore.
- fixedds-progress-bar component bugfix.fixing issue with the js
- updateds-date-pickerAdded option attribute 'isAnyDayWithFirstOfMonth' which enable the selection of any day of the month plus all days first days of the future months
- updateds-text-field.Remove config attributes negative and upload label
- updateds-spinneralignment option "CENTER" removed
- fixedds-date-picker component bugfix.TP-2115802: firing next value on the @Input() options: Observable<IDatePickerOptions>; now insures the defaultdate gets properly set
- updateds-spinner component updated. Now it's auto centered. so alignment can only be nothing, LEFT or RIGHT
- updateRenamed all components to start with "DS".
- updateUpdate libraries with sub-entries. Import from DesignSystemModule is not working anymore !
- updateUpdate to standalone components.
- updateAll components tags are now normalized and starts with "ds-". Old tags are still working Will be deprecated on 1st of October!
- deprecatedUpdate in the options of the Progress bar component
- removedDeprecated pagination 'lib-pagination' replaced by 'ds-pagination' (aka 'lib-pagination-new')
- removedAddress component moved to it's own library pxs-angular-address
- newAdded new icon to IconEnum: IconsEnum.AI
- newPagination component has a new "page" output which emits the page number (first page = 0)
- updateSelect component: selectInputId can be a number or a string now
- updateAdded specificIcon input to messageBox and messageBoxOverlayer
- updateNew readonly input for lib-text-field
- updateNew readonly input for lib-select
- updateNew selectContentArray input for lib-select. Now you can provide directly the list of content and not an object anymore!
- updateAdded AI icon to IconEnum
- updateAdded ongoing to messageBoxTypesEnum
- updateThere can now be html in the content of an accordion
- fixedAlignment in html of the switch component
- fixedSome logic in the Pagination component
- fixedSome logic in the Select component
- fixedCounter: issue with inception lib and html alignment with DS
- Created enum for icons (IconEnum)
- Added Icons to buttons
- Added Ongoing type to messageBoxTypeEnum for lib-message and lib-message-overlayer
- lib-search-field: the selectedValues Output is now typed
- lib-select: added readonly input
- lib-test-field: added readonly input
- newStatus See here.
- newPrice See here.
- newIcon See here.
- deprecatedRemoved dateFormat from datepicker as group communication is standardized to dd/MM/YYYY
- No impact:
lib-overlayer: warning text changed from console log to console error when used with style
lib-overlayer-message: Got rid of foundation
- Added documentation in the DS repo so devs can update the docs when updating a component.
- newButton See here.
- newAction menu Component started. Not yet tested.
- newSorting directive (Moved from MYENT-Common) see here.
- newAddress component Added box number field with autocomplete and validation. Documentation coming
- Search field: Added isValid and enableWaitingDotsLoader inputs.
- Select field: Added isFormItemPrefix input for when there is a button afterward.
- No impact:
Updated inside logic of date picker.
Updated Text field disableAutoComplete attribute to be compatible with all browsers
14.51.0 Angular 11 deprecated
- Deprecated css update
- Removed akita and lodash dependencies
- Updated Drag and drop according to the js lib
- Dropdown component available and ready
- Lib message overlayer:
Prevent backdrop click input has been added
- Added sublabel for the options of a search field autocomplete
- Removed Epic style from selectable boxes component
- Pagination component: added alignment option 'table' for the use in a table
14.30.0 11.109.0
Added 2 options to lib tags: 'reset' and 'title'. removed EpicStyle option for all the components as it's deprecated
14.26.1 11.106.1
First public version