Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.


Spacings create visual balance, improve readability, organization, and enhance overall aesthetics.

last modified: 15/09/2023 15:40:11

Default bottom spacing

All the components have a default bottom spacing, it's the space between the component itself and the next one.

By default, all components of the Proximus Design System have a bottom spacing of 2rem, i.e. 20px in all breakpoints (except special cases).

Spacings on section

A combination of class is defined to have enough spacings whithin sections of yours pages.

  1. Top spacing
    It's the first element of a section, corresponding to rs-fe3 class

  2. Bottom spacing
    It's the last element of a section, corresponding to rs-le2 class

Increase spacings inside the content

You can space your content by using the content spacers. Use them to visually group related set of content together by adding spacing between those groups.

There are 3 possible content spacers:

last modified: 15/09/2023 15:55:10

Spacings on section

Sizes Mobile Tablet Desktop
rs-fe 1.5rem 2rem 2.5rem
rs-fe2 2rem 3rem 4rem
rs-fe3 4rem 5rem 6rem
Sizes Mobile Tablet Desktop
rs-le 0rem 1rem 2rem
rs-le2 2rem 3rem 4rem
rs-le3 2.5rem 4rem 5.5rem
last modified: 19/06/2024 14:50:03

Paddings & margins

It is possible to add different paddings and margins to your elements by adding for example rs-padding1 or rs-margin1 class. The number (from 1 to 4) corresponds to the number of rem knowing in our library, 1 rem is equal to 10 pixels.

A mini padding of 0.2rem (2px) also exists with rs-padding-mini class but is allowed only for special limited purposes and cannot be used without checking and validating with Design System Team.

rs-padding1 = 1rem

rs-padding2 = 2rem

rs-padding3 = 3rem

rs-padding4 = 4rem

rs-padding-mini = 0.2rem
rs-margin1 = 1rem

rs-margin2 = 2rem

rs-margin3 = 3rem

rs-margin4 = 4rem

Paddings & margins per side

You can also add paddings and margins per side (top, right, bottom, left) with same logic of numbers. Ex: rs-padding-top1 rs-margin-top1 .

rs-padding-top1 = 1rem on top

rs-padding-bottom2 = 2rem on bottom

rs-padding-right3 = 3rem on right

rs-padding-left4 = 4rem on left
rs-margin-top1 = 1rem on top

rs-margin-bottom2 = 2rem on bottom

rs-margin-right3 = 3rem on right

rs-margin-left4 = 4rem on left

Remove paddings & margins

You can remove all paddings with rs-no-padding and all margins with rs-no-margin .

Per side

Or you can remove them per side (top, right, bottom, left) or opposite sides (top & bottom, left & right) with following classes :

  • Paddings: rs-no-padding-top , rs-no-padding-bottom , rs-no-padding-right , rs-no-padding-left , rs-no-padding-v ("v" for vertical: top & bottom), rs-no-padding-h ("h" for horizontal: left & right)
  • Margins: rs-no-margin-top , rs-no-margin-bottom , rs-no-margin-right , rs-no-margin-left , rs-no-margin-v (top & bottom), rs-no-margin-h (left & right),

rs-no-padding-v (top & bottom)

rs-no-padding-h (left & right)





rs-no-margin-v (top & bottom)

rs-no-margin-h (left & right)





Per breakpoint

You can also add or remove paddings and margins per breakpoint just by adding at the end of all above classes " -m " for medium up and " -l " for large up.



Negative margins

You can add negative margins just by adding " -neg " at the end of the margin classes for example : rs-margin-top1-neg knowing the number can be from 1 to 4 (1rem to 4rem).

rs-margin-top1-neg = -1rem on top

rs-margin-bottom2-neg = -2rem on bottom

rs-margin-right3-neg = -3rem on right

rs-margin-left4-neg = -4rem on left

Spacings on sections

You will need to space your content to align with the (validated) design. To do this, use the divs with their specific classes specially designed for this purpose.

Element placement

Be careful that these elements must be placed in the right place:

  • rs-fe: first element of a section
  • rs-me: middle elements in a section
  • rs-le: last element of a section



Increase spacings

Their height sizes can be increased with a 2 or 3 added at the end. Ex: rs-fe2, rs-me3, rs-le2,...

Spacing rules on <section>

Always use rs-fe3 as first element and rs-le2 as last element of a section.


