Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.


Create powerful multi-device layouts quickly and easily with the default 12-column, nest-able Zurb Foundation (5.1.0) grid. If you're familiar with grid systems, you'll feel right at home. If not, you'll learn quickly.

last modified: 01/01/1601 01:00:00

Responsive layout grid

Proximus responsive layout grid adapts to screen size and orientation, ensuring consistency across layouts.

The grid is mobile-first and fundamental to everything we design. The gridding is the geometric foundation of all the visual elements of Proximus UI, from typography to columns, boxes, icons, and illustrations. It provides structure and guidance for all creative decision-making.


The layout grid is made up of three elements: columns, gutters, and margins.

  1. Columns
    Content is placed in the areas of the screen that contain columns.

  2. Default gutters
    Gutters are the spaces between columns. They help separate content. Gutters are present by default and identical amongst all breakpoints. For closely related content, the grid gutters can be collapsed.

  3. Margins
    Margins are the space between content and the left and right edges of the screen. Margin widths are defined as a fixed value for all the breakpoint.

Expanded grid

In some specific cases, we can used bigger gutters. With the expanded grid, gutters and columns have different values than the default one for medium up, margins remain the same.

last modified: 01/01/1601 01:00:00


Mobile Tablet Desktop
Columns width Depending of the width of the screen
Default gutters 2rem
Margins left & right 1rem
Expanded grid gutters 2rem 4rem
last modified: 01/01/1601 01:00:00


Start by adding an element with a class of row. This will create a horizontal block to contain vertical columns. Then add divs with a columns class within that row. You can use column or columns - the only difference is grammar. Specify the widths of each column with the small-#, medium-#, and large-# classes.

Foundation is mobile-first. Code for small screens first, and larger devices will inherit those styles. Customize for larger screens as necessary (Show-for-medium is better than hide-for-small).


To avoid misunderstandings, we decided to make mandatory the definition of small sizes even for small-12.


You can nest the grids indefinitely, though at a certain point it will get absurd.


Incomplete Rows

In order to work around browsers' different rounding behaviors, Foundation will float the last column in a row to the right so the edge aligns (yes, it means the last column is not perfectly the same 1/12th). If your row doesn't have a count that adds up to 12 columns, you can tag the last column with a class of end in order to override that behavior.


3 end


Move blocks up to 11 columns to the right by using classes like .large-offset-1 and .small-offset-3

10, offset 1

9, offset 2

8, offset 3

Collapse rows

The Zurb Foundation collapse class lets you remove column gutters (padding).

To collapse row columns gutters per breakpoint, you can use following rslib classes classes:

  • rs-collapse-for-small-only
  • rs-collapse-for-medium-only
  • rs-collapse-for-medium-up
  • rs-collapse-for-large-up

Gutter Removed
Gutter Removed

Centered columns

Center your columns by adding a class of small-centered to your column. Large will inherit small centering by default, but you can also center only on large by applying a large-centered class. To uncenter on large screens use large-uncentered.

Centered/uncentered classes are off course available for all device sizes.

3 centered

6 centered large

9 large uncentered

11 centered


Using these source ordering classes, you can shift columns around between our breakpoints. This means if you place sub-navigation below main content on small displays, you have the option to position the sub-navigation on either the left or right of the page for large displays. Prefix push/pull with the size of the device you want to apply the styles to. medium-push-#, large-push-# is the syntax you'll use. Use large-reset-order to reset pushed or pulled columns to their original position on large screens.

4, last

Expanded gridding (larger gutters)

To allow bigger gutters between columns in a row, you can add rs-xpandgrid to <div class="row">

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum


Using the classes rs-auto and rs-last, you can collapse the first column to the content and use the remaining space to the second column.

collapsed column
the remaining space

Auto/Last (flex shrink code)

Using the classes rs-flex-row, rs-flex-column and rs-flex-shrink, you can collapse one column to the content and use the remaining space to the other column.

rs-flex-column without "s"

Flex column class for auto/last gridding is rs-flex-column without "s".
rs-flex-columns with "s" is used for classic flex gridding with small-12, medium-6,... sizes classes.

the remaining space
shrunk column

Flex shrink/grow per breakpoint

You may also need a flex shrink or grow (to force an element to fill up the remaining space) for a specific device, you can use following classes per breakpoint:

Small only Small up Medium only Medium up Large only Large up
Shrink rs-flex-shrink-small-only rs-flex-shrink rs-flex-shrink-medium-only rs-flex-shrink-medium rs-flex-shrink-large-only rs-flex-shrink-large
Grow rs-flex-grow-small-only rs-flex-grow rs-flex-grow-medium-only rs-flex-grow-medium rs-flex-grow-large-only rs-flex-grow-large

Flex gridding

Flex gridding is a variant of traditional gridding. The difference is the usage of css flex properties instead of left or right float position.

To use flex gridding, the only things to do is use:
  • rs-flex-row instead of row
  • rs-flex-columns instead of columns
  • All sizes classes ( small-12, medium-12, large-12,... remain unchanged
rs-flex-columns with "s"

Flex column class is rs-flex-columns with "s".
rs-flex-column without "s" is used for auto/last flex gridding .

Basic flex gridding



You can nest the flex grids indefinitely, though at a certain point it will get absurd.


Collapse flex rows

rs-flex-collapse class lets you remove flex column gutters (padding).

To collapse flex row columns gutters per breakpoint, you can use following rslib classes classes:

  • rs-flex-collapse-for-small-only
  • rs-flex-collapse-for-medium-only
  • rs-flex-collapse-for-medium-up
  • rs-flex-collapse-for-large-up

Gutter Removed
Gutter Removed

Expanded flex gridding (larger gutters)

To allow bigger gutters between flex columns in a flex row, you can add rs-xpandgrid to <div class="rs-flex-row"> .


An expanded flex grid should be nested in a grid to work properly.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Flex order (push/pull)

You can change the order of flex columns per breakpoint with following classes:

  • rs-order-sX
  • rs-order-mX
  • rs-order-lX

(X is a number between 1 and 10 included.)
Columns will be sorted by ascending number. If you put no order class, it means the position is 0 so this content will be displayed first.

I'm first on mobile, second on medium up

I'm second on mobile, first on medium up

Horizontal alignment for flex elements

To align along the main axis, you can use following classes:

Breakpoint Align Left Align Right Align center Space between
Small up rs-justify-left rs-justify-right rs-justify-center rs-justify-between
Small only rs-justify-left-small-only rs-justify-right-small-only rs-justify-center-small-only rs-justify-between-small-only
Medium up rs-justify-left-medium rs-justify-right-medium rs-justify-center-medium rs-justify-between-medium
Medium only rs-justify-between-medium-only
Large up rs-justify-left-large rs-justify-right-large rs-justify-center-large rs-justify-between-large
Large only rs-justify-between-large-only

Vertical alignment for flex elements

To align along the cross axis, you can use following classes:

Breakpoint Align Top Align Bottom Align middle
Small up rs-flex-top rs-flex-bottom rs-flex-middle
Small only rs-flex-top-small-only rs-flex-bottom-small-only rs-flex-middle-small-only
Medium up rs-flex-top-medium rs-flex-bottom-medium rs-flex-middle-medium
Medium only rs-flex-top-medium-only rs-flex-bottom-medium-only rs-flex-middle-medium-only
Large up rs-flex-top-large rs-flex-bottom-large rs-flex-middle-large
Large only rs-flex-top-large-only rs-flex-bottom-large-only rs-flex-middle-large-only

Flex direction

By default, content is aligned horizontally. You could change direction to vertical by using .rs-flex-dir-col to your row or flex element.
It can also be done per breakpoint with following classes:

Small up rs-flex-dir-col
Small only rs-flex-dir-col-small-only
Medium up rs-flex-dir-col-medium
Medium only rs-flex-dir-col-medium-only

Flex no wrap

To force all flex items to be on one line per breapoint, you can use following classes:

Small only rs-flex-nowrap-small-only
Medium up rs-flex-nowrap-medium
Medium only rs-flex-nowrap-medium-only
large up rs-flex-nowrap-large
large only rs-flex-nowrap-large-only

Flex utility classes

rs-flex To transform an element to a flex element (display: flex;).
To avoid issue with IE, you need to combine rs-flex with rs-maxw
rs-flex-row-wrap To transform an element to a flex element (display: flex;) and make its children go one next to the other and wrap onto multiple lines (flex-flow: row wrap;)
rs-flex-auto To make a flex item grow or shrink to fit the space available in its flex container (flex: auto or flex: 1 1 auto;)
rs-flex-inline To make a flex container display inline (display: inline-flex;)
rs-flex-dir-row-small-only To make flex items be one next to to other in the flex container on mobile only (flex-direction: row;)