Proximus design system
Important information:
Using the Design System implies following some rules: the code should be valid and same as the Design System. Meaning custom HTML & CSS override are forbidden.
Please don't forget to read Usage part of each element.


Separators visually divide content, providing structure and improving readability, guiding users through information with clear visual distinctions. Visually, they look like horizontal or vertical lines.

last modified: 15/09/2023 15:40:11


Before using a separator, always try to create a visual division in another way and follow those principles:

  • Separators should be noticeable in a layout, but not jarring.
  • Separators should only be used if elements cannot be separated using white space.
  • Use separators sparingly, to create groupings rather than separate items.

The default separators are horizontal and mostly placed in the middle of a layout. They are best for group related content, such price and button on a rates tables:

Content can also be grouped vertically by using separator(s).
This possibility should be sparingly used, really if the content cannot be separated using white space.

Best practices

Never use separators between boxes/panels:



last modified: 15/09/2023 15:40:11

Basic separator

To use a separator you are able to use a <hr> or the razor helper.

Negative separator

To use a negative separator you are able to use a <hr> with class rs-hr-white or the razor helper.

Vertical separator


Vertical separator have to be use in a gridding (float or flex).

Default vertical separator

To use a default vertical separator you have to add a specific class on your column.
Here is all the classes available to show your separator according breakpoints :

Breakpoint Class
Small only rs-col-separator-SO
Medium only rs-col-separator-MO
Medium up rs-col-separator-M
Large only rs-col-separator-LO
Large up rs-col-separator-L

My content here

My content here

Negative vertical separator

To use a negative vertical separator you have to add a specific class on your column.
Here is all the classes available to show your separator according breakpoints :

Breakpoint Class
Small only rs-col-separator-neg-SO
Medium only rs-col-separator-neg-MO
Medium up rs-col-separator-neg-M
Large only rs-col-separator-neg-LO
Large up rs-col-separator-neg-L

My content here

My content here